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IQF roasted ringent chestnut

Product attribute

  • Classification: Frozen Chestnut
  • Identification of product: 1570605436
  • views: 0
  • Release date: 2019-12-20
  • Product Overview

Product Name: IQF Roasted Ringent Chestnut

Specifications: 10 kg / 5 kg

Packaging: bags and cartons for food

Place of Origin: Hebei Province, China

Storage conditions: -18 ° C

Shelf life: 24 months

The product features come from the Jingdong chestnut production base in the depths of the Yanshan Mountains. The unique mineral soil and climatic conditions have created the unique quality of Jingdong chestnut, which is delicious, sweet and waxy. High-quality products have won the trust of customers at home and abroad.

Advantages of split chestnuts: manual scoring and traditional roasting techniques ensure that each chestnut can be easily peeled to the consumer's hands, maintaining the original flavor of sugar-fried chestnuts. Microwave ovens work better.

Fresh chestnut belongs to the genus Castanopsis, which has been cultivated in China for more than 3,000 years.


This article's website: http:///en/product/674.html
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