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Frozen peeled roasted chestnut

Product attribute

  • Classification: Frozen Chestnut
  • Identification of product: 1570605021
  • views: 0
  • Release date: 2019-12-20
  • Product Overview

Product Name: Frozen Peeled Roasted Chestnut 

Specifications: 10 kg / 5 kg

Packaging: bags and cartons for food

Place of Origin: Hebei Province, China

Storage conditions: -18 ° C

Shelf life: 24 months

Grade: A, B, C three grades

The product features come from the Jingdong fresh chestnut production base in the depths of the Yanshan Mountains. The unique mineral soil and climatic conditions have created the unique and excellent quality of Jingdong chestnut. The taste is fragrant, sweet and glutinous.

It is characterized by no addition, which guarantees the original flavor of chestnut itself. At the same time, the tedious procedure of peeling the chestnut skin is eliminated, and the fun of eating is enjoyed!



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