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Chestnut braised pork after processing


The chestnut braised pork after chestnut processing belongs to a Sichuan cuisine. It is made by adding chestnut to the base of braised pork and cooked at high temperature. Especially suitable for sweet and tasty dishes for autumn and winter.

Chestnut is a kind of very nutritious dried fruit. It is made from braised pork with pork belly. It is delicious and smooth.

Production tutorial

【Chestnut braised pork】

Required ingredients

Ingredients: 500 grams of pork belly with skin

Ingredients: 300 grams of chestnut, 1 small piece of ginger, 1 green onion, 3 dried chili peppers, 20 peppercorns, 2 fragrant leaves, 2 anise stars, 20 grams of rock sugar, moderate cooking oil, moderate salt

Seasoning: 1 spoon of cooking wine, 2 spoons of old soy sauce, 4 spoons of raw soy sauce

~~~~~ Start making ~~~~~

Step 1. Wash and clean the pork belly, drain the water and cut into palatable size for later use. Chestnut peeled. Ginger peeled and sliced. Wash the green onions and cut into small pieces. Dried chili and cut into sections for later use.

Step 2. Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, add dried peppers, shallots, and ginger slices to stir-fry, then add pork belly, stir-fry over medium-low heat, and fry until the meat becomes slightly burnt, and then add star anise, The fragrant leaves and peppercorns are stir-fried and served.

Step 3: Leave oil in the pan, add rock sugar, and fry over low heat until it melts into caramel, then pour pork belly into the pan and stir fry until each piece of meat is coated with sugar. Then pour cooking wine, old soy sauce and raw soy sauce and stir-fry.

Step 4. Then pour boiling water into the meat. After boiling, transfer to low heat and simmer for 50 minutes. If the water is not enough halfway, add boiling water. When the time is up, place the chestnuts in the pot.

Step 5. After turning and mixing well, continue to cover and simmer for about 40 minutes. At the end of the fire, the juice is collected. Fry and fry quickly when you collect it to save the paste pot. After the juice is dried, it can be served.

"Chestnut braised pork" making skills

1. To make braised pork, you must choose pork belly with skin, so the taste of braised pork is better.

2. Although the chestnut is delicious, but the skin is difficult to peel, here is a peeling method: use a knife to draw a crossblade on the top of the chestnut, put it in boiling water with salt for 3 minutes, and peel it while it is hot Peelable.

3, fry the sugar color must simmer on low heat, the fire is easy to paste, it will have a bitter taste.

4. When the juice is collected, there is sugar in the pot, you must keep frying to avoid the pan. In addition, the skinned pork belly must be simmered for about 90 minutes before it becomes soft and rotten.

* The article comes from the Internet, for reference only!


This article's website: http:///en/news/463.html

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